Cute Teacup Poodle Rides Elevators to Visit Friends Everyday- USA Today

Adorable and Cute Teacup Poodle Does This Every Day – Watch!

You will enjoy this utterly delightful brief clip from USA Today about a cute teacup poodle, named Nala. Every day, this little therapy dog takes a trip by herself that’ll leave you in tears.

No one can say with certainty if dogs go to heaven, but the residents of one nursing home will tell you that heaven sent them a dog.

Though she wasn’t trained as a therapy animal, Nala the teacup poodle is working wonders for the elderly residents at the Minnesota-based Lyngblomsten nursing home. Nala scurries from room to room to spend some quality time with her friends. She even rides the elevator all by herself!

This all started when the tiny, black fluff ball came to work one day with her owner, Doug Dawson, and the residents absolutely fell in love with her. Now, Nala comes to work with Doug every day, and while her owner’s job is to dispense medicine, Nala prescribes affection.

Therapy dogs are very precious to individuals”s well-being.

Animal-assisted therapy can significantly reduce malady, stress, depression, and fatigue in people who have a reach of health problems…
And it”s not just the sick man who reaps the advantages. Friends who sit in on creature visits and relatives say they feel also.
Mayo Clinic

See also:

Nala seems to be making everyone happy at Lyngblomsten. I’m inclined to agree with the sweet lady at the end of the video; Nala is truly hard working teacup poodle on a mission to help. Nala found here calling! To love and be loved – how cool is that – what an angel this little fellow is!

source: USA Today