OMG, A Green Golden Retriever Puppy? One Was Born In Scotland Today

This Dog Owner Is Shocked To Find Her Dog Give Birth to A Green Golden Retriever Puppy. Can’t Believe Why It’s So Unique!

Dog owner Louise Sutherland from Scotland got the bigger surprise of her life when her golden retriever gave birth to a green puppy last week.

Golden Retriever puppy

According to The Sun U.K., one lucky green puppy was recently born to a Golden Retriever named Rio in the town of Golspie in the Scottish Highlands.

The pup was named “Forest” by owner, Louise due to her uniquely colored fur. Forest is one of nine puppies, all the rest of whom have completely normal fur.

“The first pup was stuck, so myself and my daughter Claire managed to free him and pull him out safely,” Sutherland told The Sun. “It was all hands on deck but then as the puppies started to arrive, we noticed that one of the puppies had green fur. We couldn’t believe it.”

Golden Retriever puppies

Sutherland had every right to be stunned: the occurrence is so rare, it’s only known to have happened three other times. According to a 2014 article in TIME, veterinarians believe that exposure to biliverdin — a green bile pigment found in the placenta — may be the cause.

“The color has faded quite a bit already and will be gone soon, I’m told,” said Sutherland, and the TIME story backs this up. Apparently, the condition tends to resolve itself within a few weeks.

Forest would be a “super unique dog” if only the green fur remains as it grows older. But who knows people could make to feel that the poor golden retriever pup is been ill-treated by the owner using dye on its fur.

This story originally appeared on

See Also: More puppies born with unique features


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